The Power of Prayer

When we hear the word “prayer”, many different ideas and emotions come to our minds. Some people are confused. Others are excited. Some are mad. Some are scared. Regardless of where we fall on the wide spectrum, we can all agree that in many ways, prayer is a mystery – but God doesn’t want us to be left in the dark. All throughout the Bible, people and communities are changed, moved, and healed because of prayer. Prayer is vital to the life of the church and every believer. Over the next six weeks, you will take a good look at prayer: the power of it, the practice of it, why it’s important, and how to do it. You’ll learn how to listen and talk to God and how to pray for others, using the most effective training guide for prayer ever created…the Bible! Instead of searching for a step-by-step guide on Google, you’ll read example after example of strong prayers in the Bible, and answer questions that will form your own approach to prayer.

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